Plant properties

Plant properties

List of all plant properties accessible in Settings → Signals and Properties → Plant name → Advanced → Properties in one place.

Note: All the values of properties are case sensitive - for instance True will not be treated as true value and property wont' be turned on.

Week start

This is accessible on Signals and Properties on Plant

When we set a week start to any day, all the reports should be aligned with that decision.


This property determines if we want to work with changeovers or not. If set to true then we’ve got new status Activated in our activities, with additional possibility to assign changeover activity to any order. If false then plant doesn’t have Activated status nor changeovers, order goes from Released → Started state.



Property used to select dashboard layout in Cockpit. For more information here → Cockpit configuration



Property used to select cockpit data time range. For more information here → Cockpit configuration



If true then informations about energy consumption or current power is shown. More information here → Configure Energy



If set to true Labour productivity are available in SKUs and all activities. More in ‘Labour productivity’ here → LogiX 3.3 and here: Labour productivity - reporting [in progress]



Plant Signals → Advanced → Properties

There’s a possibility to enable In-process production reconcilliation for the whole plant by setting property MANUAL_WAY_OF_WORKING_ENABLED to true.
There is a possibility now to use production reconciliation without ending the order.

More here → Manual way of working



When set to true downtime selected as “NoWorkHours” will begin regardless of the running order. If the order is overrunning outside the shift time someone will need to manually “start” the line. More here under No Work Hours → Line state vs Schedule



Allows you to select the required classification.

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