Master Data 🏭

Master Data 🏭

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Master Data - By definition it is managment of products(Items) and their Groups in PackOS.


Adding/Importing Items:


You can add your own products that are manufactured at your factory. We call such products items in PackOS. In this article, you will learn how to add them.


  1. In PackOS, click on the Items icon in the left sidebar.

  2. Now, click on the + Add item button. A new modal window called New item will appear.

  3. Enter an ID number (for example, an SKU) and the description of your item (product) in the new modal window. You can also assign Items to Groups.

  4. Click on the Save button to retain the changes.

  5. Alternatively you can also use our template to import Items from prepared beforehand xls file. To do that click on Import button on right side pick Template and drop file into the box.

Items importing from templates:



Adding Groups


Creating Item Groups allows us to aggregate items with same packing structure under one group for easier managment. To do that:

  1. We go to bar on left side and press Items

  2. Press Item Groups on center of screen

  3. Press + Add Group and name our new item group

  4. By pressing pencil next to name we can edit interesting us Item Group and define its properties.




Defining Line Configuration:

Line Configuration - Allows us to define which line will use our Item Group and details regarding flow or performance(Please see attached picture on right and description below).

  1. By marking checkbox we assign specific Item Group to be used on line.

  2. Flow allows us to decide which flow of line is used for that specific Item Group (e.g. we don’t use one of the machines when manufacturing product)

  3. Performance type has two tabs design and validated production. Design production is one usually provided by machine manufacturer. Validated production is real value we get on production enviorment.

  4. Expected Effort - We can state how many manhours are required to receive certain amount of product.


Defining Packing Structure:

Packing Structure - allows us to write rules for PackOS which it will use to convert between units of measure for given SKU. To add new Packing Structure press + on right side of screen. Enter the parent unit of measurement, then an appropriate multiplier, and finally the child unit of measurement.


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