Configure Energy

Configure Energy

Each machine consumes some electric energy, in PackOS, you can define for each machine and line variables capturing:

  • Energy Consumption (kWh / Wh)

  • Current Power (kW, W)

Energy consumption counter is something that reports how much energy has been consumed by the machine. It behaves like any other counter, reporting absolute value of how much energy (kWh/Wh) has been used since the last reset.

Current power describes a temporary electricity demand (kW/W) from direct sensor value or calculated value.

Energy Consumption (kWh / Wh)

Energy consumption counter is something that reports how much energy has been consumed by the machine. It behaves like any other counter, reporting absolute value of how much energy (kWh/Wh) has been used since the last reset.

Energy counter can be defined by using ENERGY_ACTIVE_COUNTER signal type, and appropriate unit:
kWh or Wh

If any unit other than “kWh” or “Wh” is provided for the counter, energy won’t be aggregated

You can define multiple energy consumption counters for a single machine or line, each can have a different unit. All of them will be aggregated together.

Line-level energy consumption

Line can have the ENERGY_ACTIVE_COUNTER signals specified directly.

If the line-level energy should be a sum of all machine-counters, you can simply enable “Calculate energy from machines” flag to aggregate the energy consumption from all machines.

Counter guard

Energy consumption counter uses the same guards like the production counter Counting Production For it to work correctly, you will need to define line/machine EnergyMax property, which is describing what is the maximum amount of energy that can be consumed in an hour. You can use either kWh or Wh unit

If EnergyMax is not defined all energy consumption increases will be accepted

Current Power (kW / W)

Current power describes a temporary electricity demand. You can define it for a machine using the ENERGY_CURRENT_POWER signal type, and unit kW or W.

Current power can have two different data sources:

  • Direct sensor value - by providing an appropriate tag in the Source URI field

  • Calculated value - dynamically estimated by the system by observing the energy counter. You can use it by providing a duration in Source URI field, in the hh:mm:ss format.

If any unit other than “kW” or “W” is provided for the counter, energy won’t be aggregated

Dynamic estimation of the current power is calculated the same way as the “Instantaneous performance” Machine properties | Instantaneous performance

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