Default Problems ✔️

Default Problems ✔️

In PackOS, you can mark a Problem as default. A Default Problem tells you the same thing as the State of that Problem. For example:

  • The Default Problem Ready for Use in the status Ready for Use.

  • The Default Problem Unrecognized Downtime in the status Failure.


Please remember that every PackOS State needs to have at least 1 Problem assigned to it.


It is noteworthy that PackOS does not show you Default Problems in the work history or in the current State.

If you want to set an existing Problem as the Default Problem for a specific status:

  1. Open a specific plant in the world view.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click on Problems in the Plant configuration section.

  4. Find the Problem that you want to set as the default one for the State.

  5. Click on the pencil icon to start editing the Problem.

  6. Select the Default checkbox.

  7. Click on Save.

  8. That’s it! You just set the Problem as default.


Default problems are shown on Monitoring tab only as a state name - problem name is not visible.

Monitoring tab
Problems tab




PackOS does not require you to have a Default Problem for a specific State. Only the Failure State must have at least one Default Problem.