Adding New Assets

Adding New Assets

Adding Production Areas, Lines and Machines


If you want to add a new asset, such as a production line or a machine, you should:


1. Open the ConfigHub by clicking on the PackOS logo in the top-left corner of your screen.

2. Select Plants from the left sidebar and click on the plant name.

On the right, you can see a tree of all assets grouped by areas. By clicking on any of the plus signs, you can add a new area/line/machine to the structure.


3. First, add a production line by clicking on the plus icon near one of the areas.

The form will ask you to fill in:

  • Name: The main name of the line visible on the dashboard and in selectors

  • Code: Use for identification of Asset in ISA95 paths (for example, ILA/OBS/L3).
    For Areas and Lines the code has to be unique within the entire Plant. For Machines the code has to be unique within given Line.

  • Location: Place where the element is located. You can click it and select a different area/line.

  • Plant: information which plant you are adding structure to.



4. For example, we’ve added Line 3 which is now visible in the structure on the right.


5. You can also click on the plus icon located next to any of the lines to add machines.


6. When you have finished adding all your machines, you can go back to PackOS. As you can see in the picture on the right, the new line is now visible.


7. Also, the machine that we have added is “inside” the production line.



Arranging in Order and Production Flow


1. To arrange newly added assets in order, go to Settings and then click on Elements Order.


2. Grab and move the newly created line to put it in the correct place. Then click Save (If you jump back to the Monitoring tab, you will see that the line is now in the correct place).


3. Now, you can define and activate the production flow on your line. Production flows define connections between machines.

  • Go to Settings

  • Select your newly created production line.

  • Then click on the plus icon.


4. Name your new flow and activate it by using the Active switch.


5. When your flow has been saved:

  • Click on it to edit its properties.

  • Next click Add element

  • Then select one of the machines assigned to your line.


6. PackOS will add the machines that you selected to the canvas.


7. Available since 3.14 version

You can set the base machine per different flow (BaseAvailability and BaseQuantity).
Here “flow“ has the BaseQuantity setting set but if you also have any other flow for the same line, you can configure machines differently.

8. Finally, click on Save layout and go back to Monitoring.

At this point, you will need to refresh the page in your browser to update the layout.

After you refresh it, you will see your new flow of connected machines when you open your line.

Please notice that the new machines that you created in ConfigHub are not immediately visible if there is already an active production flow on the line.

To see the machine, you can click on the button in the top-left corner to show machines that are Not in the production flow.



Adding a New Machine to Production Flow


1. To add a new machine to the production flow:

2. Go back to Settings

3. Select Flows

4. Select a line.

5. Then click on the plus icon to add a new machine



Configuring Details About Signal Processing


1. Go to Settings.

2. Scroll down to the section Advanced.

3. Click on Signals and Properties.

4. Select one of the newly created machines.


5. Click on the Advanced button.

6. Click on the Add signal button to define a new sensor.


7. The form will ask you for:

  • Name and description of the signal

  • Type of signal: For example, Signal, Counter, Waste_Counter, or Keep_Alive)

  • Value type: Description of the type of data that is received.

  • Source URI: The OPC UA tag for this signal.

  • Device ID: If multiple OPC drivers are use, enter here the name of the driver used.

  • Unit: If applicable (for example, for a counter)

  • Min/Max: Threshold values that are used to generate notifications if the threshold is exceeded.

  • Should achieve: A checkbox that you used if you want the history of the signal to be persisted.

There should be only 1 signal marked as COUNTER and KEEP_ALIVE.


8. When all the signals have been added, please go back to Default and configure the line properties the way you can see in the image on the right.


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