Importing Orders ✔️

Importing Orders ✔️

If you want to import orders into PackOS, it is important to know that our app will be looking for a worksheet called Orders. For this reason, we have prepared a template file that you can use for the purpose of order importing:




The worksheet should contain the following columns:

  • Order ID – a unique identifier of an order. When the Order ID that you are importing is already present in PackOS, the order is updated rather than duplicated.

  • Line - a unique reference to the production line. You can set it in ConfigHub when you are adjusting the factory structure. Each element of the structure is represented by a ‘code’.

  • SKU ID – a reference to a specific SKU (MaterialNumber in the Material Master File).

  • Description – additional description of the order.

  • Planned quantity & Quantity unit – the amount that should be produced. Any unit from the unit dictionary can be used as long as a respective packing structure is defined for that SKU.

  • Expected Start Date & Expected Start time – when the order is scheduled to start

  • Expected End Date & Expected End Time – when the order is scheduled to end

  • Changeover Duration (minutes) – by adding the “changeover duration” you register changeover activity assigned to the given order

  • Changeover Expected Manhours - mandatory with the “Changeover duration” column. It caused order and changeover creation with manhours displayed.

  • Order Expected Manhours – Import file is overriding to counting SKU expected effort (manhours)

The time values in the worksheets are treated as the local time in the given factory (according to timezone selected in Plant Settings)

If the file contains duplicates (more than one Order ID repetition), the importer will recognize it and save only the last detected order ID.

If you are creating a custom import file you need to remember that names in file need to be identical to ones corresponding in template. It also includes case sensitivity.

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