Downtime management

Downtime management

Downtimes is one of the ‘critical paths' for most teams, so it’s very important for us to make it as smooth and intuitive as possible.

Access to downtimes

Since version 3.10 Downtimes view was combined with Work Spectrum. Right now if we click on Downtimes tab we are transferred to Work spectrum’s line downtimes view.


Work spectrum

In this view user has the possibility to:

  • Look on all downtimes on this line depending on chosen previous or current day

  • Change between flows to see different machines states

  • See percentage summary and total time of each states on chosen day of selected line (default) or machine (after clicking on one in Work spectrum view) with coloured section, proper state in their classification total time and download as csv file statuses for whole day

    If we click on any listed state or/and their classification (i.e. Availability losses) then on the Work spectrum view we can see only chosen states

  • Track Orders on their timeline, where time is counted depending on start of the factory day. All orders on chosen day are shown there, their color depends on its status - released are orange, started are dark blue, and completed are green. If we hover our mouse on it we can see more details about it as tooltip. Clicking on that order is opening the same window as if we clicked on it in Activities tab


  • Add downtime by clicking on proper button on the right which opens Add downtime flow

  • Observe any machine/line statuses by hovering mouse on it. Double clicking on hovered downtime leads us to Edit downtime flow. Different colours represents different states

  • Click on listed machine/line to be transferred to list view of downtimes for chosen machine/line. Percentage summary is also changed for a selected machine/line. To go back we have to click on ‘Work spectrum’


  • Zoom in on downtime list by selecting the time period we are interested in on machine. We can zoom out by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the right or move back and forth in this time scope using arrows

Adding downtimes

If we click on ‘Add downtime’ button then there’s new window, where user has to provide:

  • duration of new downtime

  • information if downtime was on Line or rootcause machine

  • select proper state’s problem

Then green button Confirm should be clickable and we can move on to the Summary step.

On Summary we have got all informations provided before.


After downtime is created it’s visible in selected timeline of machine/line and on their downtimes list on Work Spectrum.

For more information how adding new downtime will impact other downtimes see article → Machine and Line States

Editing downtimes

To change anything in our downtime and enter Edit mode user has to:

  • Double click on hovered machine/line timeline downtime

  • Click on downtime form downtime list when machine/line is selected


Clicking anywhere on each of four boxes is taking user to different edit downtime stages. At the bottom we’ve got possibility to add comment to this downtime.


Changing downtime


After choosing problem downtime is automatically changed


Shortening downtime

This action can be performed by clicking on ‘Duration’. We are taken to another form with proper informations about original and new duration. By changes in New dates fields we can set new duration for our downtime. By clicking on ‘Save’ button our downtime duration will change in couple moments.


Splitting downtime

This action can be performed by clicking on ‘Duration’ and on Split option. We’ve got possibility to change one downtime into two. By switching bar we can set duration of both of these downtimes. After Splitting downtimes they’ll have always the same data (problem, state) beside duration.

Common problem

This functionality is a possibility to select the same problem for more than one downtime. It can be performed only on downtimes list by selecting downtimes checkboxes and using Common problem button new window pops out with our selected downtimes and user has to choose proper problem for them.


In this view user also got possibility to set common reason, corrective action and comment

Deleting downtimes

We can only delete downtimes in machine/line view. User has to select checkbox for downtime we want to erase and click on ‘Delete’ option. Confirm or cancel window will pop out. We can delete only one downtime at a time.

After deleting downtime on machine/line there is inserted 'work' in its place



Rootcause strategies

When registering downtimes through signals and rules in our system there are 2 possibilities how rootcauses can be designated - depending on time or on machine order.


Basic strategy, it treats stops on machines as one bag, what counts is which stop happenned first within the searched period limited by buffer time. It first looks for Failure. If there is no failure, it chooses the earliest holdup/idle, so the first occurance is taken as a rootcause.


It goes ahead after neighboring machines in the flow moving down, the first one to stop in failure will jump in as root cause. If neither fails, the first one in idle/holdup will jump in as rootcause. We don't "bounce" up the graph.

How to configure rootcause stategy?

Time order stategy is set as a basic one, to change it to Machine order we have to do it per each line.
Go to Signals and properties → Choose line → click on Advanced → Add property and fill it as below.

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