Importance of Tags Assigned to Problems

Importance of Tags Assigned to Problems

You can consider PackOS Tags to be additional information about Problems. Tags allow you to force PackOS into a specific behavior when a problem is detected on a machine or production line.

You can find a description of each PackOS Tag below:


  • Forced

    • All problems tagged Forced prevent PackOS from changing the problem until you manually do so. In other words, PackOS ignores the signals from devices that would otherwise affect the state.

  • Nolock

    • This tag can be used to exclude some problems from “Ending ongoing downtime” behaviour.
      This threshold has been renamed to “Downtime counter lock”, to better capture it’s behaviour

  • noplan

  • videotrigger

    • You can use the VideoTrigger tag only if the implementation at your factory uses camera monitoring that is integrated with PackOS. When PackOS detects a problem, a video clip from cameras is downloaded.

  • maintenanceaction

    • MaintenanceAction is the tag that you can use for events related to troubleshooting or repairs of your machines. PackOS includes such events when it is calculating reliability (MTBF, MTTR, MTBM).

  • Discardcrdcounters

    • This tag replaces the “Allow production on downtime” setting. (Machine properties | Counting OEE) PackOS will now accept production during any downtime by default, but you can explicitly decide to ignore counts on a specific downtime (e.g. during cleaning, or changeover)]

  • NoRootCause

    • Downtimes marked with this tag will never look for a root cause on a different machine. This is especially useful for holdups/idles which are strictly performance-related stoppages. Where no downtime of an external machine is actually the reason of a stop

  • Disconnected / DELAYED PROCESSING

    • System tags used to mark downtimes which will be visible on machine/line when no signals are being registered

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