LP5 - Labelling points

LP5 - Labelling points

This section is used to define labelling points during the implementation and build the data forms used by each labelling point to input data manually during printing (see Labelling chapter). General view and available actions resemble the lines section described above, but the list displays labelling points instead of lines.

A labelling point is the area on the production line where the printing takes place. Consider it a virtual printer executing the same print job as all physical printers assigned to this labelling point.

Actions available:

  1. Adding a new labelling point.

  2. Modifying a labelling point.

  3. Deleting a labelling point.

  4. Searching to narrow the selection in case of a long list. This searches both fields simultaneously: Name and Short Name.

  5. Sorting by ID/Name/Arming Devices.

Labelling point ID is given automatically, will remain occupied even if labelling point was deleted.

Anatomy of a labelling point set-up window:

  1. General:

a.      Labelling point Name – should be unique, will be used in the System to identify the labelling point.

b.      Short Name – should be unique, will be used in the System to identify the labelling point.

c.      Labelling Level- pick from a dropdown list.

d.      Arming Devices – pick from a dropdown list.

  • At the start of the order means that labels are sent to printer, but the actual print is triggered on the printer by a button, photocell, PLC signal, or otherwise.

  • At the user’s request means that each label sent to printer is printed immediately. In case, if multiple labels (e.g. serialized) are generated during the print request they will be printed one after the other without stopping.

e.      Multi Order – defines if you can start multiple orders on this labelling point simultaneously. If Multi Order is set to ‘Yes', Arming Devices should be set to 'At the user’s request’.

f.       Automatic printers cleaning – defines if after holding and finishing an order all printers connected to a labelling point will be set to ‘Standby’/'Hold' state in which the printer is not printing. If the line PLC is connected to the printer and the printer sets “not ready” flag, the production line will also stop.

g.      Automatic finishing – determines whether, after finishing an Order, information about this action will be sent to third-party applications – which were configured earlier in the LogicPRINT implementation.

h.      Report generation – determines whether, after finishing an Order, request generate order report will be sent to third-party applications – which were configured earlier in the LogicPRINT implementation.

  1. Data Form – an area where you define a data input form used later during Labelling.

a.      You need to add a field and pick the field type.

b.      The other fields will be displayed depending on the field type, usually:

  • Title (static label of the field).

  • Order Field – a drop down list with previously defined Order fields where the data will be entered.


Data field types in Data Form (defining – left side <-> print request form – right side):

  1. Static text – one line of text e.g. the data form name.

  2. Input – input data field, Select input type from a drop down, has two input types:

a.      Text – manual input, one line, ant text, number, date, etc.

b.      Number – field is prefilled with the data defined in Data Source field, can be manually overwritten or refreshed from the data source.

  • Data Source: URL to any internal or external data.

  1. Select – drop down field build from comma separated values, use for a long list. In case of a short list you may use Data field type: Radio.

  1. Text Area – any multiline text input window, window can be enlarged, text scrolled.

  1. Checkbox – single checkbox.

  1. Checklist – multiple checkbox, none of boxes is preselected.

  1. Radio – single select radio button, none of button is preselected.