LP5 - User Management

LP5 - User Management

Creating and editing users and defining roles are available in the People tab.

  1. Add a new user.



Fields marked with “*” are obligatory.


  1. Modify or delete an existing account.

a. Edit account details.

b. Set permissions for a user. Permissions give access to specific areas and functionality of the system.

User permissions can be given in two ways: individually or through roles (see instruction below).

There are available in Reckitt NDM case:

●       6 areas in LogicPRINT,

●       1 in GoodIn

●       3 in ConfigHub

●       and 3 access levels in third party application “KSM Vision”: Operator, Asystent Produkcji, Admin (detailed access rights for each access level for third party applications are defined in these applications) 

c. Set new password for a user.

d. Add and manage RFID card:  block, change PIN, delete.

e. Assign roles. Each user may have multiple roles assigned. A user account inherits sum of permissions of each role assigned to a user.

  1. Create or modify roles. Roles are generic users. Administrator defines permissions for each role. The same way as for the individual user account.

  1. Define competences. Not used for LogicPRINT.


Giving Individual Permissions – Reckitt

You can give individual permissions to each user by going to the user’s edit page in the People tab, and then selecting Permissions.

On this screen, you can assign any available permission level for a specific user.

LogicPRINT5 Permissions – the LP5 application is divided into tabs, and user permission levels differ in the number of tabs accessible for use:

An Administrator can choose any configuration of tabs to give access to a user.

GoodIn Permissions – similar to LP5.

ConfigHub Permissions – allows access to ConfigHub (My Account tab) and permissions for managing users (People tab).

Visual System Permissions – allows assigning a role from a set of roles configured in an external visual system. Users can log into the visual system using their login data with the role selected in ConfigHub.

Giving Permissions through Roles - Reckitt

Creating and editing roles is available in the People tab, under the Roles section.

After creating a role, you must assign permissions for all applications individually, like how it was described in the Giving Individual Permissions – Reckitt section.

Once configured, you can immediately assign the role to a user, providing them with all the individual permissions associated with that role.


According to the arrangements: For ILABO systems (LP5/GoodIn) and the visual system, logins are independent. The user database created in ConfigHub is distributed to every ILABO application and the visual system.