GI - Actions available for the User

GI - Actions available for the User

Working Order section (right side)

●       Select a branch plant by clicking on a drop-down menu.

●       Select a line by clicking on a drop-down menu.

●       Search WO by its no.

●       Select a WO by clicking on a specific Order Box. After you click on it, the actions panel appears. There are two actions possible:

- Create button to create a Production Order combining WO with eKP. The button is active only if the Working Order is VALID and if related eKP is selected, is VALID, and has all required details filled or selected;

It is inactive if conditions above are not met, hoover displays what is missing (see below).

- Details button to see the modal window with Order details.

If the Order is INVALID, you will see the message with validation error in this window.

●       Choose another Order by clicking on a different Order Box.

●       Deselect the current Order by clicking on the selected Order Box again.


eKP section (left side)

  • Select eKP to see the details. You can type eKP number or its part in “Search…” or scan eKP from physical Packaging Card to narrow search or select the exact no.

●       EKP status – you can switch between two statuses to search in each:

o   Active - standard cards, typically used in the production. Preselected option.

o   Archived - cards typically withdrawn from the production, can be exceptionally used for a non-standard production.

●       EKP details depend on the validation status. If the eKP is Invalid, you will see Validation errors message.

●       In the eKP details panel you can edit some details if applicable, e.g., pick Back Label (point a label with EAN barcode and batch), tick if has a preprinted UFI.

Manual import

●   Press Import button:

You can import single eKP – enter number.

You can import all eKP for all WO's scheduled before or on a specific date – select date and time. 

You can import all data for all WO's scheduled before or on a specific date – select date and time.

You can import data from an Excel file, file needs to be in the agreed specific format.


Create Production Order:

There are two ways to create Production Order. Standard approach:

●       Select a VALID eKP from the list. Complete the data e.g., select Back Label if required.

●       Select a matching VALID Working Order from the list.

●       The button Create becomes active. Press Create button.

●       In the modal window, change or select the line if required.

●       Press Create button in the modal window.


The second way to create Production Order:

●       Select a VALID Working Order from the list.

●       Select a matching VALID eKP from the list. If not on Active eKP list switch to Archived one. Complete eKP if required.

●       The button Create becomes active. Press Create button.

●       In the modal window, change or select the line if required.

●       Press Create button in the modal window.


Important notes:

You cannot create Production Order if the eKP or WO is INVALID. The Create button will not be activated and you will see message near this button that there are validation errors.

If the Back Label is not selected for eKP, you need to choose it to create Production Order.

When PO is created, it appears in the Production Screen.


Add Working Order

It opens an empty modal window called Add Order and lets you add an Order manually.

  1. Choose branch plant.

  2. Choose line.

  3. Enter Order number.

  4. Choose SKU.

  5. Choose Market Code.

  6. Enter a Size.

  7. Description – should be informative to you.

  8. Select start date and time.

  9. Select end date and time.


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