GI - Sections in GoodIn

GI - Sections in GoodIn


Planning: This panel is for creating Production Orders out of BOM [eKP*] data and Working Orders [WO**]. It allows you to view and complete eKP and Working Orders details, create Working Orders manually, import missing data manually, and create Production Orders [PO***] by matching eKP with Working Order.

Production: The panel for user who works with Production Orders. It allows you to release, edit, preview, and delete Production Orders. You can view details and quality checklist of each Production Order.

Archive: In this panel, you can see all completed Production Orders. It allows you to view full quality report of each Production Orders with details, error statistics, history of changes and statuses, and details of all incidents.

Import log: In this panel, you can see the history of all imports: automatic and manual.


*eKP – so called “electronic Packaging Card” is the data extracted from BOM describing details of the specific item (recognized by a single SKU) in a variant ready for Production. Multiple item variants are described by different eKP’s for the same SKU.

**WO – so called Working Order is a raw order to produce an item (SKU) without detailed item variant information. It requires to be combined with eKP to generate and start a specific Production Order [***PO]. Multiple Production Orders can be generated out of a single WO and different item variants (different eKP’s)

For simplicity, eKP will be used further in the document instead of BOM.

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