GI - About GoodIn

GI - About GoodIn

GoodIn is the system designed to automate product quality control process at production plants as the part of the LogiX suite. It is divided into two areas:

  • production planning 

  • production on-line quality monitoring and central reporting.

The main purpose of GoodIn is to automatically: import production data, reconfigure quality control machines on the production line, grab on-line the quality incidents data and report production quality when the production order is finished. GoodIn is integrated with LogicPRINT (LP5) to arm automatically different quality control devices: vision systems, x-ray’s, scales, etc. when the Production Order is started. GoodIn uses LogiX Gate to collect the production quality data on-line.


Fig.1: GoodIn building blocks and operation schema.

Production planning is usually adjusted to plant specific processes and data available in source systems. Input data are typically: working orders, material details extracted from BOM (e.g., packaging cards), auxiliary data defining critical quality attributes (e.g., UFI code). Data is validated and combined ether automatically or manually and there is a list of Production Orders generated as the outcome for production execution. For some plants if the inbound data is complete this area may be off.

Production execution area is responsible for managing orders:

  • releasing orders on production lines,

  • modifying quality checks, 

  • collecting and archiving the quality incidents data when each order is started including evidence like photos (orders are started in the external systems like LogicPRINT)

  • generating and archiving the report when each order is completed.


Information and modifications specific to Reckitt NDM are framed or in green italics in [] if directly in the text.


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