LP5 - Factory Structure
The factory structure is defined as a tree:
· Area – is a division of a factory into areas;
· Line – is the representation of the physical production line, usually defined in ERP system, you can have any number of production lines defined;
· Labelling point – consider labelling point as a virtual printer;
· Printer represents a physical printer, needs to be defined in the System;
· Each labelling point can consists of any number of printers (all printers in each labelling point execute the same Print Request);
· Each line can have any number of labelling points assigned to (each labelling point can execute a different Print Request and operate in a different mode independently one from another);
· You cannot connect the same printer to different labelling points;
· You cannot connect the same labelling points to multiple lines;
· Each line, labelling point, and printer requires a unique name.