Importing Users

Importing Users

From version 3.7+ to import users into LogiX you will need to use a template file:



A prepared XLSX file should contain the following worksheets:

  • Users - a list of users

  • UserTeams - a list of user assignments to teams

  • UserCompetences - a list of user assignments to competences

Having the file prepared you can upload it in ConfigHub. Go to People by clicking on the People button in the left sidebar. Then click on the Import users icon in the upper right corner and select the file to be imported.

The naming of each worksheet and each column is important and cannot be changed as they are used by the system to recognize where to look for the data.

Below, you can find a detailed description of each worksheet.

Users Worksheet

In the first worksheet called Users you can add new users or update information about current users. A unique identifiers of the users are their email addresses. The worksheet should contain the following columns:

  • First name - a user’s first name.

  • Last name - a user’s last name.

  • E-mail - a mail of the user which will be also his login.

  • Phone - a user’s phone number. It is optional and you can leave that column empty.

UserTeams Worksheet

In the second worksheet you can assign users to teams (roles). The worksheet should contain the following columns:

  • E-mail - a mail of the user you want to assign to the selected team.

  • Team name - a name of the team you want to assign the user to.

  • ElementCode - a path to the element in the factory structure at where the user is to be assigned to the team. The path should start with a plant name and if you want to limit permissions to specific plant element you have to type full path for that element.
    Examples of usage:

    • ExampleFactory will assign user to the team in the whole factory ExampleFactory

    • ExampleFactory/Area1/Line3 will assign user to the team on the line Line3 which is located in the Area1

If your plant name is for instance Ilabo (code IL), first line name is Line1 (code L1) then you should write Ilabo/Line1.

Importing user teams assigns users to their new teams. The users present in the UserTeams Worksheet remain assigned to the teams they were previously assigned to. The import does not remove any users from the previously assigned teams.

UserCompetences Worksheet

In the third worksheet you can assign users to competences. The worksheet should contain the following columns:

  • E-mail - a mail of the user you want to assign to the selected competence.

  • Competence name - a name of the competence you want to assign the user to.

  • Expiry date - an expiration date of the user competence. You can leave that cell empty if you don’t want to set the expiration date.


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