Changing User Permissions ✔️
Changing User Permissions ✔️
You have to be assigned to proper permissions to change someone’s permissions.
If you would like to change the permission settings for a specific user account in PackOS:
1. Click on the PackOS logo in the upper-left corner of the screen.
2. Select ConfigHub.
3. Click on People from the left sidebar.
4. Click on the edit icon next to the name of the user that you want to edit.
5. The edit form will appear.
6. Go to the Permissions tab.
7. The tab shows permission settings for the user in PackOS and ConfigHub. You can add, edit, or remove those permissions. You can also make the user a System Administrator. Note that there is no save button in this tab, but the changes are automatically saved as you enter/edit them.
, multiple selections available,
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