LP7 - Orders Screen in LogicPrint 7.0

LP7 - Orders Screen in LogicPrint 7.0

The Orders Screen is your centralized tab for managing all aspects of your Orders within the LogicPRINT7. This intuitive interface allows you to view, filter, add, edit, and manipulate Orders, ensuring that you maintain full control over the Order lifecycle.

Searching and filtering Order:

You can filter and search orders based on various criteria:

  • Search bar: Search by Order ID.

  • Areas: Filter Orders by the area and lines that belong to this area.

  • Lines: Refine the list by specific production lines. Select one or more lines.

  • SKU: Search or scan for Orders by SKU numbers. Select one or more SKU.

  • States: Filter Orders according to their current status (e.g., Released, In Progress, On Hold, Completed, and Deleted). Select one or more status.

  • Time range: Filter Orders to display only those that fall within the specified range.

Adding new Order:

To manually add a new Order to the system click the “+” icon at the top of the Order Screen. It opens an empty modal window. Fill in all the necessary data and press the Save button.


Export Orders report:

To export Orders report press the Export button on the right of the Orders Screen. In the modal window select necessary parameters (Area, Line, SKU, Status, Time range) and press the Export button.