Role permissions

Role permissions

If we’ve got a set of permissions which many users will share Roles which we can use and configure come in handy. We are able to find them in ConfigHub tab named Roles (before 3.7 - “Teams”) if we’ve got proper user permissions granted.

Roles tab in ConfigHub

After 3.7 version update some of existing Roles were split depending on permissions levels they were granted - on Line, Plant or Tenant. For example if we’ve had Role ‘Operators’, which before 3.7 had been granted permissions both for Tenant and Plant - after update and migration it’ll be split as Operators (Tenant) and Operators (Plant) Roles. Users who belonged to this Role after migration will be a member of Operators (Tenant) or Operators (Plant) - depending on which permissions they were granted before.

Only Roles with more than one permissions level were split, other Roles are still the same.

Tenant level permissions

If we choose permissions with Tenant level for a Role, when we’re adding user to this Role we have to choose which tenant or tenants these permissions will be granted for.

Granting tenant permissions to certain user


If we choose Tenant level permissions for a Role, we cannot pick Plant and Line level permissions for this Role, because they are grayed out - it is working the same if we’ve chosen Plant or Line level permissions.

Greyed out permissions sets becase of its picked level

Plant level permissions

If we choose permissions with Plant level for a Role, when we’re adding user to this Role we have to choose which plant or plants these permissions will be granted for. After clicking on checkbox access to everything inside (Lines/Areas) for these permissions will be granted.

Plant permissions checkboxes

Line level permissions

In contrast of plant level where we can select only whole plant (or plants), choosing Line level permissions for a Role we have the possibility to pick which lines of plant user can’t see. We still can pick whole plant.

Granting Role permissions with Line level permissions for user

Note: If we’re changing Roles permissions in Roles tab from Tenant to Line/Plant or from Plant/Line to Tenant - all users who were assigned to these Roles after that change aren’t anymore. We have to add them manually once again.

You can see all the permissions list here:
List of permissions


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