Reporting API

Reporting API

Applies to LogiX v. 3.10 and above


LogiX Reporting REST API interface is designed to query the Logix database for:

  • aggregated metrics (production and KPIs)

  • source events (e.g. downtime)

This interface extends the integration API which covers the scheduling of line activities and reporting their execution.

Reporting endpoints (production_events and aggregated_metrics) use taxonomies to filter, classify and aggregate assets and events (downtimes). Taxonomies where introduced to Logix in version 3.10 and are the foundation for this API.

In short, Taxonomies are arbitrarily defined hierarchical dictionaries for classifications of facts and entities modeled in LogiX. Examples are:

  • Grouping production lines into categories according to organizational aspects other than ISA-95 factory structure (Site/Area/Line).

  • Grouping downtimes into categories according to organizational resources needed to resolve them.

  • Grouping machines into categories according to their kind and functional characteristics

  • Etc

We decided that the standard ISA-95 factory structure (Site/Area/Line/Machine) which is obligatory for each Line configured in Logix will also be exposed in the new API as taxonomy (build-in and managed by Logix). This taxonomy is used also to uniquely identify assets (i.e. while pointing root cause machine for line downtime).

More on taxonomies: Build-in and custom classification dictionaries (Taxonomies)

Description of API endpoints and OpenAPI specification is available here: <link>


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