Factory Structure

Factory Structure

A structure of the factory is a hierarchical model describing the location of machines and lines. This model is ubiquitous to all LogiX apps. You can change or update it in the ConfigHub.

Each element of the factory structure is described by 5 fields:

  • Name - how this element is displayed

  • Code - generally should be unique factory-wise, with the exception of machines - 2 machines in different lines can have the same code. This is used to display asset paths in KeepUp
    (e.g. ILA / OBS / L1 / FIL - refers to the filler in Area 1 and Line 1)

  • Location - parent element

  • Element Type - depending on the level in the tree, it will be either area, line or machine.

We decided to implement a simplified model of equipment hierarchy based on a hugely influential ISA-95 international standard describing industrial methods and processes. We plan to extend this model in the future to align it with


Can be anything you need. Our clients use it in various ways, sometimes to reflect a physical location of lines (e.g. South Hall, North Hall) or to group lines based on the type of product (e.g. Juice, Water, Sparkling).

PackOS and KeepUp use areas mostly for reporting purposes. Showing aggregated statistics for all lines contained.


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