Create the order
The mobile application allows you to create an order activity.
Creating cleaning and separate changeover activity is off.
From the dashboard view, click on the ‘+ Add’ button
The next screen shows an empty 'Add order' form. It contains:
Activity ID - unique name
Description (not mandatory)
SKU ID - you can see the list of available SKU and search for needed SKU
Configuration - select one of the possible flows
Planned quantity
Unit - based on DefaultUnit property, but you can select a different one
Planned start
Planned end
Changeover duration (not mandatory, could be 0 or last longer than 0 min - it causes attach changeover to the created order)
Most of the above are mandatory and if the user doesn’t fill out the form, a validation error appears:
After doing some fixes, the order is added and it is displayed in the order section. It is already validated (tick appears) in 'Release' status and ready to launch.
Activate the Order
By clicking on the 'Activate' button user can activate such an order on the Line1
Start the order
To start an order user should click on the ‘Start’ button: