One of the challenges in implementing a universal platform in a given organization is adapting it to its specific requirements without sacrificing overall consistency. This applies to both the application interface and data organization.
In the domain of the LogiX platform examples are:
Machines Downtimes classification, for purpose of detailed OEE losses reporting
Machines Downtimes classification which guides users during downtime registration
Classification of machines in terms of their function or role in the production process
Classification of machines in terms of their mechanical or electrical characteristics
One of the new upcoming core features of the LogiX platform addressing these issues is a concept called "Taxonomies".
Intention of this functionality is to create a mechanism that allows categorization of various types of objects defined in LogiX (e.g. elements, downtime) into user-configurable structures. Such structures could be used for generating reports (e.g. machine energy report based on physical location in a factory, or downtime report broken down into factory-specific categories).
We will introduce it gradually. In the upcoming release, it will manifest as the possibility to have a specific classification for:
production events ("problems" in PackOS language) which will extend the build-in, standard one.
factory structure (i.e classification of lines alternative to default ISA-95 plant/area/line/machine structure).
This version will not yet allow for creating and managing custom taxonomies from the user interface.
We will introduce it gradually. In the upcoming release, it will manifest as the possibility to have a specific classification for:
production events ("problems" in PackOS language) which will extend the build-in, standard one.
factory structure (i.e classification of lines alternative to default ISA-95 plant/area/line/machine structure).
We can choose which taxonomy we will use in ConfigHub/Plant for factory structure
Data exporting
In Reports there’ll be now accessible new tab called Reports Download. These exports makes use of taxonomies to filter, classify and aggregate assets and events.
If we find report in which we are interested in, depending on it’s type we can choose on which data (Areas/Lines) with period and moment will be included in report.
Exported reports are always csv files.
Public API extension
Expanding existing API thanks to taxonomies Upcoming reporting API