Applies to LogiX v. 3.10 and above

One of the challenges in implementing a universal software platform in a given organization is adapting it to its specific requirements without sacrificing overall consistency. This applies to both the application interface and data organization.

In the domain of LogiX examples are:

A core feature of the LogiX platform addressing these issues is a concept called "Taxonomies".

Taxonomies are arbitrarily defined hierarchical dictionaries for systematic organization and classifications of facts and entities represented in LogiX. Examples are:

Each taxonomy is defined by:

  • taxonomy structure - (levels list or levels tree)

  • taxonomy content - hierarchy of nodes assigned to levels

    Example of a taxonomy (ISA95 taxonomy for a sample factory):

System classifications that are build-in into LogiX are also implemented and exposed as taxonomies. This includes:

OEE loss type taxonomy used in PackOS configuration

Configuration of "problems" in terms of impact on OEE is defined by assigning a given problem to a taxonomy leaf, while Tags are still used to configure other aspects of signal processing (in previous versions, each configured factory event ("problem") was assigned to a given category using dedicated 'Tags')