Downtime selection based on custom classification
You can design your own step-by-step process the operator will follow when selecting a downtime. Such processes can follow your own ‘tree', where at the end, you get a small list of downtimes to choose from. See TAXONOMY_CODE_FOR_REGISTERING_DOWNTIMES in https://ilabo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LOGIX/pages/edit-v2/1956872207 Cockpit configuration to set it up. You can use Classification Editor to configure classifications.Additional features following PackOS improvements:
Unification of downtime edit buttons & actions with PackOS
Unification of production progress bars
Additional downtime metadata information for each downtime visible in the list. To keep it consistent with PackOS views
Shorten & splitting downtime actions
Displaying and editing additional fields in orders
In-process production reconcilliation for orders